Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Oompa Loompas, Surgeons, and Music!!

What a busy few days!!

(Another) night out from work to celebrate a colleague passing her Masters. It was a good night and I also bumped into two customers from my barmaid days so it was nice to catch up. Quite an early night too as I was home by 9.15 to a silent house as everyone was asleep. Well they were asleep until I realised I hadn't taken my keys with me....... Ooops! 😕

Saturday disappeared in a flurry of chores and ended with me deciding to top up the tan.

In hindsight, these things are probably better done in the morning.

In daylight.

When you can actually see what you're doing.

And with very strict instructions to anyone you get to help.

Otherwise there is a very slight chance that you may end up resembling an Oompa Loompa........ 😂 😂 😂

Hindsight is a great thing!

Now, as I have mentioned in a previous post, the skinny tan oil gives a lovely natural colour, used properly, and you only need a very small amount.

It appears I didn't emphasise this enough when requesting help......

Yep, by the morning I looked vaguely like I'd been tangoed or, as referred to above, like an Oompa Loompa! I also must have caught my hands at some point during the night as my palms are now also wonderfully tanned!

On the plus side, skinny tan does last well and doesn't wash off....... 😂

So that was how Mother's day started! I had lovely cards and presents from Jay, Faye, Billy, Amy & Kie, was brought breakfast in bed and then had dinner and tea at mum and dad's with Big sis and clan. It was a really lovely, family day!

The Wizard of Oz was made reference to on numerous occasions (you can go off people, mentioning no nieces in particular ....) and it was also mentioned that maybe when I got to hospital the following day there would be a sudden panic to take bloods to check my renal function as I looked jaundiced - sister's can be so cruel!!

As it was, jaundice seemed to be the least anyone was bothered about at hospital, although I did start laughing when I was asked I'd I had any skin complaints!! The nurse reassured me she wasn't going to laugh as she'd once used a product that claimed to just give a 'glow', so didn't use gloves and ended up with hands like mine.

The op was discussed in lots of detail and by the end we got the message that it is quite a big deal, based on the number of times the words 'huge', 'major', and 'massive' were used! 😂

It was all good though and the surgeon seemed confident that he could remove all the clots/scar tissue. As for himself, I observed that he was able to walk independently, wasn't wearing really thick glasses (although I have just realised that he could have been wearing contacts 😕), had a good, firm handshake, and had no apparent shaking. So I stayed in the room, agreed to the op and signed my life away - hopefully not literally! (The surgeon didn't seem to find that little 'joke' as amusing as I did! I do hope I haven't upset him.....!)

Tonight it was the Leicestershire Schools Music Service at De Montfort Hall and Faye's primary school had joined with two others to do their African drumming.  The last time they did this concert it was, well, noisy........

As such, I had prepared myself for the worst and had sweets etc in my bag to distract/bribe Billy, but in fact didn't really need them. The whole concert was brilliant! Most of the children taking part this time, apart from Faye's group, we're secondary school age and they were all really good. Billy was really good and even when he got tired and a snuggled in, as soon as someone finished he sat bolt upright to clap and was bouncing and dancing on my knee to the steel drums at the end. He was very loyal though and said Faye's drumming was the best! They did do very well and I'm very proud of her 😊 (although I have to admit, I'm still glad they don't bring the drums home to practice!)

So that's my round up of the last few days...... See you soon!!

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Another night out?? Bad Mummy!!!

Yes, twice in two weeks (shock horror) I am deserting my family for a night out with work!!  Last week it was a girly night out with cocktails at Fat Cats, a gorgeous meal at Casa Romana, and more cocktails at the Terrace Bar.  This week It's to celebrate a colleague passing her Masters, a very well deserved celebration for her! I have no idea where we're going and, to be honest, I'm not really bothered!!

Not only that but I'll be out again in a couple of weeks for birthday drinks! It would be rude not to!!

It's been an up and down week and I'm actually surprised I haven't started lunchtime drinking...... Yet (although a suggestion has been made 😂😂😂)!

I have been good in other ways though😇 I've still managed to get to the pool twice this week, even though it's been later.  Last night (known as Sardine night last week) was great. There was still staff training in two lanes but only three other people in the pool in two lanes and the slow lane was empty and all mine! As the night progressed the other swimmers disappeared and the lane separaters gradually hit put away until, by the end I had three quarters of the pool all to myself! It was bliss! I obviously felt the pressure that they were about to kick me out at any time though as I managed to shave five minutes off my 1k time to forty five minutes 😀

That's my exercise for the week complete so bring on the weekend! Woohoo!!!


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Bones knitted - time for cast off!!

After many weeks, the time has finally come!!!

It's cast off day for Billy!! 😀

He was very excited and was chatting away to a couple in the waiting room before he was called in. He was as good as gold whilst his cast was sawn off then it was over to x-ray, which he's obviously got used to now as he was happy to sit on his own, instead of on my lap, to have the x-ray taken!

All is well, new bone is forming and he was happily moving his arm around, although did say it hurt a bit when he straightened it so was still walking around with it bent for a while.

Back at the car he decided it would be a good idea to start rubbing the dry skin off his arm........ Then collected a pile and shouted me. When I looked he threw it in the air and said "Look! It's snowing!" 🤢

We met Jay at lunch and went to a gelato cafe for ice cream (and warm chocolate muffin for me 😊 mmmmmm it was yummy!!). He had a red power ranger toy and blaster for his treat and spent the afternoon shooting me (and Faye when she was home from school)! 😂

He's now happily playing in the bath, without his waterproof arm, telling me how nice it is!

Happy days!!

Friday, 17 March 2017

Skinny Tan!!

My new favourite!

Now, I have the type of complexion that needs fake tan. I am the type of white you want your paint to be when decorating.... BRILLIANT WHITE. Pale and pastey, that's me. I don't tan. Well, actually I do tan, eventually, it's just that I'm so pale to start with my 'tan' just colours my skin to a sort of beige.... Everyone else's normal colour.

As such, I have used many different tanning products over the years in an attempt to achieve a healthy 'sun-kissed glow'. Hmmmmm. Many of these attempts have ended in me looking like a strange disease-ridden Tiger 🐯 or an OompaLoompa. OK, so maybe not quite that bad, but you get the idea. And then there's that unique distinct fake tan smell! (what is that smell?!)

Until now.

I came across Skinny Tan on Facebook and the reviews were good, they had a good offer on so I decided to give it a try.  I've only used it once so far and.... I love it!! 😍

I got 2 bottles of the oil and an exfoliating /correcting mitt with my deal and got a tanning mitt and face mitt from ebay. The exfoliating mitt is fab - one side to exfoliate and the other to correct any excess tan. I've never been overly impressed with exfoliating mitts /gloves as most of them remind me of those plastic-type scourers you get for non-stick saucepans, which don't work on your pans any more than the 'exfoliators' work on your body!  However, this exfoliating mitt really works and does leave your skin feeling smooth 😊

The spray oil is easy to apply and a little goes a long way. It smells coconuty which reminds me of Hawaiian Tropic sun oils and Malibu (other favourites too so, to be honest, this was always on track to be a winner from the start!).  It absorbed quickly and by early evening I was tanned. Even my other half was impressed and gave a good endorsement of the product with his comment "you actually look brown, not that orangey colour you usually go"! 😂

I've only used it the once and I'm not sure if or how the 'skinny' part of the product will work but, in all honesty, I don't really care! I feel so much better for just having a bit of colour, that looks natural, doesn't smell, and is still there after a week which also included 2 swimming sessions! It also felt much better turning up at the pool looking 'normal' instead of like a glow-in-the-dark milk bottle!!

I love you skinny tan!!

Thursday, 16 March 2017


Well my second night of swimming - and I'm moaning already!

The pool is usually divided into 3; slow, medium and fast. Each area being 2 lanes wide, enough to allow two people to pass comfortably on a 'circuit'.

Tonight,the pool was split into 6 individual lanes, 3 for swim school and 3 for public swimming, so only 1 lane wide for each of the slow, medium, and fast lanes. Not all that easy if there was more than one of you in a lane!  I was quite happy as I was the only one in the slow lane for a while, there were a couple in the fast lane, and when it got to about 4 or 5 in the medium lane, they started moving over to join me.  Ok, so slightly more crowded but still ok.

Until half an hour had gone by.  Then they had staff training too so our 3 lanes became 2 lanes - medium disappeared and we had slow and fast. Hmmmm.......... not the best plan ever.  It created a fast lane with 3 or 4 people in it and a slow lane with around a dozen people - talk about sardines!  (although I realise sardine are much more streamline in the water than we were!). It was a nightmare!  You couldn't swim properly, and I ended up doing about 2 strokes of breaststroke and the rest almost doggy paddle to avoid hitting someone else or the wall!

It wasn't great but I managed my 1 km in 50 minutes so I was happy with that, and even happier to get out of the pool!

Just to end the session nicely, as I was getting changed, I could hear one of the 'medium' swimmers complaining about how she had had to tread water several times because of the 'slow' swimmers.  Whoever she was talking to obviously told her she should have gone in the fast lane then as she snorted indignantly "I couldn't go in the fast lane because I'm not a fast swimmer!".  Well newsflash lady, the majority of us weren't 'medium' swimmers but, as there was only a slow lane or fast lane, we were in the right place - we definitely couldn't go in the fast lane but as far as I can see you could have chosen either so either quit moaning or do one!

It wasn't pleasant for any of us and I can't say that I particularly enjoyed it tonight, but at least most of us just got in with it the best we could.  I guess there's always one and I do hope I don't accidentally drown her if I have the misfortune of being in the same lane as her again...........!

Image result for mommy needs vodka

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Swimming is back on!!! 🏊🏊🏊

Woohoo! It's been 6 months but I've finally made it back to the pool!
I have to admit that I was quite nervous and self-conscious about getting the cozzie back out but with the help of Skinny Tan (more about that later) I had enough colour to not dazzle everyone else in the pool with my bright white legs!
I checked the timetable several times, half of me willing the times on it to change so that I had an excuse to back out! They didn't. Damn!
After scanning my card to get in (it took 3 attempts, surely that was a sign that this was a bad idea?) I made my way to the changing rooms, feeling quite sick at this point......
5 minutes later and I'd done it! I was IN THE POOL!!!
Now, before I started I knew I couldn't stay in for my usual hour as I had to pick Faye up do I decided not to count lengths (I used to do 40 in an hour so didn't want to put myself under pressure!). That lasted all of... Oh, let me see.... Errrr...... 2 lengths! 
So I counted. I also worked out completely pointless facts in my head whilst trying to distract myself from counting lengths. It didn't work. I just counted lengths And made a mental list of rubbish. Still, who doesn't like a good list?! I Iike lists. My list was a something like this:
1. The pool is 25m long (OK, OK, so I didn't work that one out, I already knew that)
2. If I timed my swimming strokes right, I did an average of 1m per stroke (weirdly this was mainly 23/24 strokes on odd lengths and 25/26 on even lengths. Nope, I couldn't work that one out either. Believe me, I tried!
3. One of my legs is wonky. It's true. I do breast stroke and my left leg did what it was supposed to. My right leg on the other hand (or I suppose that should be foot) did this weird downward, diagonal thing.
4. If I consciously made my right leg for what it was supposed to, my left leg and the rest if me went wonky and I was likely to drown.
5. From the poolside I must look like a duck with a dodgy leg.......
6. I should stop making random lists.
7. I really should stop my brain from thinking sometimes. For my own sanity.
Anyway, with random list making and all, I managed half a mile (32 lengths) in 37 minutes so on my calculations, and yes I worked this out whilst swimming too, if I'd stayed in for an hour, I would have made my kilometer (40 lengths) easily!!
Basically I'm pleased with myself and I actually feel pretty good! I was even almost half an hour early to get Faye! Hence having time to write this blog!

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Reading and blogging!!

Well this is a rare opportunity! Two hours on my own to blog, read (We were on a break by Lindsey Kelk if anyone's interested!) , and freeze......... 😂

Jay is running the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon today so we were up bright and early, we'll maybe not so bright, it was raining! Nevertheless we were up, even the kids got up!

How do kids manage to do that by the way?? On weekdays, when they have to get up at 7.30, I'm shaking them, pulling the covers off them, turning the lights on full and STILL have to physically drag them out of bed. Yet on a weekend, usually when we actually want a lie-in (with the exception of today), they're out of bed and running around full of beans at the crack of dawn!!

Anyway we were all packed up and ready to go when Amy and Kie arrived to babysit for the day. Made good time and we're here in plenty of time. I have to say, and I know it sounds really obvious, but Silverstone is huge!! It's also full of vans selling burgers, hog toasts, doughnuts, waffles.... Yummy........ Think I'd better just stay in my seat and blog/read away!!!

My biggest mistake so far is that I forgot my glasses so can't see a damp thing (or anyone), although it is very colourful!! I just filmed everyone start, then filmed again around the time I figured Jay should be passing again, and I think I did actually see him that time!  Another 40 mins and I think he should be passing again round the other side. I've picked a nice front corner seat in the grandstand so I can see all round. Purely by accident as I didn't even realise they came the other way til I checked the course map!

The sun is starting to break through now thankfully so it might start warming up a bit so I can eat my very healthy picnic (🙁) and carry on reading - only just started it but I've loved all of Lindsey Kelk's other books so I'm sure I'll enjoy this one too!! 📚📖

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Running for Papworth 🏃🏃🏃

Not me, obviously!!

My amazing Fiancé has just told me that he has been in contact with the Papworth Hospital Charity for a little while now to arrange fundraising for them through all the running events he is taking part in this year.

This is a fantastic hospital and all of  the staff have always been lovely, helpful, and reassuring and so he is hoping to raise some money so we can give something back to help them continue to offer their specialist treatments to others.

If you are in a position to help in any way, please click on the link to his JustGiving page to make a donation. Thank you Xx


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Stuff the diet!! Times like this call for chocolate, and lots of it!

Well the time has finally arrived for our childminder to leave us for pastures new!

I obviously wish her all the very best in her new life (miles away!) but we will miss her! She has been an almost daily presence in our lives for nearly 4 years, first looking after the kids when Faye was 7 and Billy was just 9 months old!

Faye made a memories folder - she added a couple of really sweet poems and also researched their new home to put an info section on places to go (I haven't had the heart to tell her they already know the area really well!). I've been through and added some bits for Billy along with some photos. It's been quite emotional! Seeeee, I'm big softie really!

We'd already shared a tear when I picked the kids up tonight as she'd given Billy the "nee-nah racing car" he'd made out of Duplo when he was about 2!

Not only has she been a great childminder, she's been a great friend too. We've had lots of laughs, lots of moans, and done lots of plotting! :)

Tomorrow is her last working day, well today actually (I've just noticed the time!) and it's going to be very sad. We're going to miss her!

Sunday, 5 March 2017

I guess the diet will have to wait til tomorrow.....

Well I've just watched the darts and a bit of Dave ja view and managed to demolish the remainder of a box of M&Ms! Ooops!

It was worth it though! The diet and swimming plan will still happen..... There's always tomorrow!! 😂

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Room makover complete!!

So, after lots of (nice) interruptions, Faye's bedroom has finally been finished! After 10 years the Humphry's Corner lemon walls and curtains and the blue/red/taupe/lemon patchwork wardrobes and door panels have gone! 😭With some sadness I have to admit! It seems like of yesterday we were decorating it and getting it all ready as a nursery. Me and bump happily sitting with all the wardrobe doors around me on the floor painting them in the 2 weeks between finishing work and Faye finally putting in an appearance!

The walls are now amethyst (purple to most of us normal people!) and the wardrobe/door panels are Bubblegum (bright pink). No more curtains, instead she has an aubergine (Errr..... Purple again!) blackout blind (Yaaaay no more moaning about it being too light to sleep in the summer! Yes, I did plan this one!) and, to make it a bit more 'grown up', fuschia (you've got it, bright pink!) voiles with some pretty crocheted/beaded tie backs. The only snag being the tie back hooks were too small to go over the tie back holders. Nothing a couple of hair bobbles couldn't fix!!

Her old TV unit has been replaced with a chest of drawers and her drawers/bits'n'bobs unit has been replaced with a desk and pink chair. Unbelievably, the chair was just 'pink'! Not fuschia or Bubblegum or rose or blush etc. Just pink!  We need to get handles for the drawers to match her wardrobes and they're done.

We went internet shopping for Faye to pick out her lampshade, desk lamp plus some other bits and jobs and I think it's fair to say she loves her new room!

The only other thing left to do is to pick up and fit a new radiator as hers had corroded and was leaking.

In the meantime, Billy has been running around dressed as Captain America but being "the red power ranger, what's his name again Mummy?"  "Troy"  "Yes. The red one RRAAAAAAA HA YA!". Cue running, karate kick, falling and cracking the cast on his already broken arm on the floor/the table/me...... Ouch! He has had some calmer moments. He proudly showed me the picture he'd drawn of himself weeing in the toilet! 😂 😂 😂

With all the decorating and work, the house is a complete tip. . Even more so than usual which, to be perfectly honest, I didn't think was possible. Apparently it is!!! 😱

For now though, it's time to snuggle down under our 'teal' duvet! Night night everyone! 😴😴😴

Sunday, 19 February 2017

The joys and pains of decorating!

Ouch!!! I have discovered muscles my body had forgotten existed!

The weekend started with Billy discovering Faye's old Barbie toys in the garage while we were getting the decorating kit out.  Oh what a happy boy he was!! Faye also appeared to take a reliking to Barbie and it was a blissful afternoon!  No arguing over the tablet or TV,  Faye dressing all the dolls and doing their hair,  Billy playing with the camper van. The day ending in the sofa bed downstairs with Barbie films (A Fairy Secret (definitely my favourite!) and the Island Princess) while Jay prepped and stripped Faye's room,  at the same time discovering her radiator had gone and was leaking.  At least the carpet was coming up anyway!!

Today the decorating began. Lining paper went up no problem. The ceiling paper on the other hand......... I think I must have ended up with more wallpaper paste on my head and in my hair than on the paper!  It would not stick to the ceiling!! Jay at one end of the room trying to put up one end and me at the other end with my end resting on my head because I couldn't be doing with holding it up for what felt like 3 hours!  After lunch we finally got it finished,  got everything put of the room and the carpet up and out ready for painting.  We made a start,  mainly because I couldn't wait to see what colour 'Bubblegum'  pink actually is!  I love it!  It is only being used on the cupboard door panels though - it is fairly bright!  The walls are amethyst and the two colours do compliment each other really well 😊

Faye is barred from her room until it's all finished.  We've got her a proper desk and  new drawers,  a blackout blind and voiles to make it a more 'grown up' room. 

By the time we'd had dinner,  I could barely move! Bath and bed for the kids then a nice hot bath for me.  I know we haven't done any decorating for a while but I really don't remember it being so painful before!

All I can say is,  Faye had better like this room when it's done, because it's not getting done again for a looooong time!!!


Sunday, 12 February 2017

Bad Mummy!!

What can I say?
I don't think it would have mattered what I did today,  the kids were going to hate me anyway!
I made them get dressed.
I made them have breakfast.
I let them watch what they wanted on the telly.
I let Billy empty toys all over the room I'd just tidied.
I made Faye put her clothes away (Ok, ok,  I'll give her that one!)
I made them have lunch.
I let them have chocolates /sweets.
I let Faye go on the computer.
But then,  if all of that wasn't enough, of all the wicked and evil things to do.......
Both of them actually.
They were filthy and disgusting!  But they got washed and then came out of the dryer all nice and fluffy, clean and warm. 
I gave them to Billy,  who promptly sniffed one and started crying,  shouting "it smells horrible now!!"  before throwing them on the floor in disgust!
Err....  nooo,  they smelled horrible before, now they smell nice!
I don't know why he's bothered anyway.  A day of dragging it around everywhere and it'll look and smell as bad as it did before it crawled into the washing machine! 
Oh well,  there's just no pleasing some people!!
So that's the end of another day as another Monday rears it's ugly head......

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Short and Sweet (the blog, not the children, although.......)

Another play day!!  I could get used to these!  I mean,  really,  how often can you get attacked by Chase (from Paw Patrol) with a cutlass, a police man with a big fluffy duck,  and a beanbag sheep all at the same time,  in between acting as a tissue and bib for a baby who flatly refuses to have her nose wiped under any circumstances?!  😂

I also had my hair cut (with the cutlass, obviously), my foot eaten by Zuma (Paw Patrol again...and I thought they were supposed to be Rescue Pups! ) and turned into a slide / piece of general play equipment!

The lorry with the big grabber bucket at our neighnours' was a nice distraction and instead of shouting at the kids to get put of the windowike I normally ,  I was throwing them in to watch and get a 5 minute break!

If nothing else,  the kids had a great day and it got me out of clearing Faye’s room ready for decorating!!

At least our two power rangers finally ran out of steam,  as have we.

As such, today's blog is short and sweet, night night all 😴😴😴

Play day!!

What a lovely day back home!  I spent the the morning playing Humpty Dumpty's wall game (not necessarily by the rules!), mended a bean bag juggling frog,  although didn't get around to finding / clearing up the escaped beans 樂,  and generally enjoyed cuddles with Billy.  Well cuddles and the odd clonk from his plaster arm!
Then,  after a trip to get his hair cut (he now looks older but just as cheeky!), we cuddled up on the sofa with lunch and watched Wall-E.  I love that film!
Faye came home quite excited about it being the last day at school, slightly less excited about her Valentine gift from someone she hadn't got anything for and isn't intending on getting anything for,  and very excited about her Pamper Evening at Guides (mainly because it meant she was allowed to wear makeup!).
Billy then also wanted to wear makeup so he was jumping around,  wearing an old leotard lion dancing costume of Faye's,  pretending to be a monkey,  telling us not to spoil his lip gloss!!   
Seeing as I'd had a lazy day,  I took Faye to Guides and then went to Asda to get the shopping,  a much more attractive prospect than going tomorrow!  I was done and back home by 8.30,  feeling really smug and pleased with myself!
The evening got a bit busier after that, hence why I'm still up now Blogging,  even though I have nothing interesting to blog about!  Suffice to say, life is never dull around here!!!! 

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Home sweet home 🏠

It's good to be home!

After a nice relaxing afternoon playing chess and cards etc.  I got a visit from my Consultant and team to let me know the surgeon has decided I am "an attractive candidate"  (very flattering, thank you very much! 😂) "for surgery" (oh,  not that kind of attractive then!  Never mind 🙁) . Letter will be in the post,  we'll still monitor you in the meantime, thank you very much and bye bye 😀

So that's it.  There is a cunning plan!

Downloaded the leaflet about the op,  read it 😱, deleted it 😆

Dressings were whipped off,  cannula taken out,  bags packed and we were out of there! 

It was so nice to get my little uns back (big thanks to Mum and Dad for all their help) and get back to my own home and bed.  The house was tidy and there was a welcome home 'banner' on the stairs as I came through the front door ❤️

I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family who are always there for me.

I love you all so much! 😘

Anyway,  back to reality,  although unusually the kids haven't started arguing again yet,  admittedly they are asleep! 😂

No more of the alien reject look for me!!

Well day 3 is making a good start!!  I had a lie-in,  still woke early but stayed in bed dozing until about 7am. Then I was brought an early breakfast so thought I should drag myself out of bed and get ready for my MRI.

The porter arrived with a wheelchair (!) to take me (Err.... No thanks,  I'll walk) - as it's in another building you have to go by ambulance!  🚑 It was freezing outside, shame they didn't have a blanket in the wheelchair!  Following the ambulance ride,  I realised the early breakfast was nothing to do with the time of the scan,  it was to give it time to go down before the ambulance journey to prevent it making a reappearance en-route!! 🤢

Once in the MRI suite I had something laid over my chest and was told it might get quite warm during the scan (as if they thought that might be a problem!) so to buzz if I wanted the fan turning up.  That wasn't going to happen,  I was really looking forward to the warming up part!!

Now I know a lot of people don't like the MRI scanner because it's quite a tight fit and noisy but, in between all the commands to not breathe, I actually found it quite relaxing and almost nodded off a few times!

1st test of the day over and back to the ward to psych myself up for my second exercise test - cycling endurance!  😱

This test was explained to me on Tuesday.  You get all wired up etc. again,  the same as for the first test I did (lovely,  REALLY looking forward to that bit 🤣).  Freewheel for a couple of minutes,  then they whack it up to,  I think,  60% of your full capacity and see how long you can keep going for.  At least it won't be a long test........... 😂

I tried hiding in the loo but they found me and dragged me kicking and a screaming to the waiting area.  Then returned 5 mins later to say it was lucky day as due to my angiogram results yesterday I don't need to do this test anymore!!  Woohoo!!! 😂 😂 😂

Cure definitely wins this round!!  In ya face Kill!

I now have the day to relax and chill until the MDT meeting finishes at 5/6pm,  find out what their plans for me are and go home!

And to top it all off,  it's lovely and quiet on the ward today.  Yaaaaaayyyy!!


Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Headphones required 🎧

OK,  so I survived Day 1,  just!

Day 2 started bright and early,  well,  early anyway,  not so sure about the 'bright'  bit,  it wasn't a particularly peaceful night ! I thought I'd better beat the crowds to the shower in case the hot water ran out. It was more drizzle shower than a power shower (my hair REALLY needs a power shower!) but it was nice enough and hot.  I think everyone else had worn themselves out during the night so I was out of the shower,  dressed and watching telly before any of them even woke up.  Breakfast arrived,  as did the Dr who was going to do my right heart catheter,  who promptly told me I shouldn't eat my breakfast until after the procedure 😭

She got me to sign the consent form (I mean,  what's the worst that can happen [read form] oh!  All of that!!  😕), and handed me a lovely gown to wear for the special occasion!  I have a sneaky suspicion day is going to end Kill -  2, Cure -  0!!

As it was, it wasn't too bad,  slightly uncomfortable and apparently they only made a 2mm hole in my neck and jugular vein and it was a 'clean puncture'  so Woohoo!  Bring it on!!

It turns out that I do have pulmonary hypertension anyway so there was no need to do the cycling test with the catheter shoved through my neck into my heart / lungs....  Every cloud!...... I never thought that sounded like a good idea anyway!

I finally got my breakfast and was on bed rest for 2 hours with a lovely pressure dressing on my neck. Slightly uncomfortable and restricting but hey ho....

We did some more puzzles and crosswords and admired how well I'd done not to smother anyone. Yet (there's still time.........) . In order to prevent such a terrible thing from happening,  it was strongly advised that I wore headphones for the rest of the day!

I did.

And so far it's worked!!


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Papworth 'Spa' Hospital

Well,  the staff are lovely,  the food isn't too bad but it's a shared bedroom/shower/toilet 😂

There isn't a pool and the gym isn't what you'd usually find.  Instead of being made to feel better about yourself,  it appears they do everything in their power to make you feel as ridiculous as possible!  I kid you not!!

Today was the first of my tests - cardiopulmonary exercise test 1 (incremental).  Sounds sort of impressive. 

First bit was just a few breathing tests.  No problem at all,  felt more relaxed thinking 'this is going to be a breeze!'.  Next,  blood tests from the wrist,  I was warned this might be more uncomfortable than usual blood tests but,  again,  this was fine.  Yaaaay getting into this now!

Then the fun began.  So it started with wiring me up to the ECG.  OK,  no biggy.  Hop onto the exercise bike and a blood pressure cuff was put on.  Fine.  But then some monitor thing was strapped to my forehead with a lovely head harness 😕.  It has to be said,  I've looked better!  But nooooooo,  they've not finished yet!!!  Just to complete the look,  let's just add a bright blue face mask with attached pipe to breathe through!  Now they're just taking the mic!! The final touch was to ask how I was feeling........ Seriously???!  You REALLY want to know?!!!

Finally the test began,  looking like some sort of alien reject 👽 I then have to start pedalling,  easy enough for a while but then it got harder and harder until I began to think they really were trying to kill me..... 😱. Seriously though they were very encouraging and apparently I did really well.  Couldn't breathe,  talk or stand up but, apart from that, great!! I asked for a sticker but apparently the budget doesn't stretch that far 😭

At least that was it for the day and back to my bed to relax, have a game of chess, do some puzzles, and listen to all the other patients...... Now that DID make me feel very healthy and well!!

I've been thinking I should have brought a Facepack with me to wander around through the night to see how many people I could scare 😂😈

Unfortunately I didn't think about that when I was packing so I'll just have to think of something else to do to pass the time......

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!! 😁

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Time for a break!

It's been a busy old time since Christmas with birthday parties and leaving parties,  well one leaving party anyway (honestly,  some people are so selfish,  swanning off down under to a gorgeous Australian summer and leaving us behind....... ). Still it was a great party and I'm only joking.  I'm not good with crocodiles and spiders 🐊🕷️😱

Work has been manic but trying to keep on top of things due to my impending spa break at Papworth Hospital this week 😂 Bag sort of ready for packing,  although I've still not found my kindle.  The kids had it last....... Hmmmmm🤔

So it was planned to have a relatively relaxing family weekend.

Of course, this is my life, so things can't possibly go that smoothly!

All was going well, even the kids were getting along OK and even asked if they could sleep together and have a dvd seeing as it was a Saturday.  After the 10 minutes of messing about,  laughing and screaming doing their teeth they finally settled in bed. On checking a while later they were both cuddled up in bed watching a film.  They looked quite sweet! Not long after there was crying and footsteps on the stairs.  Faye was being very reassuring to Billy but there was a note of panic in her voice that had me off the sofa and out of the door quicker than I thought was  humanly  possible.  Billy had apparently been jumping on the bed and fallen,  his arm was bending the wrong way from the middle of his forearm and he was begging us not to take him to the Dr. So the Calpol came out it was off to A&E.  Poor Faye was sobbing the whole way,  Billy was alternating between crying and almost nodding off. 

By the time we got there his arm looked straight again but it was still hurting him.  After getting him booked in he sat quietly and we read books.  The nurse saw him and checked his arm,  he said it hurt when she touched his wrist but nowhere else and,  although when she was pressing along his forearm he was fine,  I jumped a mile and flinched for him when she got to the part that had been bent!   I didn't know a 4 year old could give such a scathing 'what are you doing Mum!'  look - I'd assumed that was reserved for teenagers! Although on thinking about it,  it could have just been shock at not only having his arm prodded but then,  for no apparent reason, being practically launched into the air by his own mum! 😲

Soon after, the Calpol kicked in and he was off.  Whizzing around from table to table, colouring,  playing with the toys,  cooking on the kitchen,  chatting away the whole time and amazingly adapted to using one hand for everything brilliantly!  He told me his arm felt better so he didn't need to see the Dr now so could we just go home,  please? Just then the Dr arrived.

The Dr was really good with him and he again said nothing hurt apart from his wrist.  The Dr felt he was OK but sent him for xrays anyway. We had to follow the trail of skeletons hanging from the ceiling around the corridors to X-ray,  which he thought was funny.  He was fine until we got into the xray room, then got really upset for the first time.  He wasn't going to have photos,  wouldn't sit on the chair,  wouldn't sit on my knee.  The poor little thing was terrified and refused to move.  We eventually convinced him and when he realised the machine wasn't going to touch his arm he was fine and we were laughing and saying 'cheeeeeese'  when it took the xrays.

Walking back he was swinging his arm as we walked and went back to play,  although still didn't use it much.  He tried a couple of times but stopped because it hurt,  but never made a fuss.  The Dr came to find us and said he was really shocked because the xrays had come back and showed a fractured ulna.  He showed us the images and it looked quite nasty.  Billy sat on the bed and had his hands on the bed,  the Dr was laughing and shaking his head coz he was leaning on his arm and showed no signs of being bothered!   Billy got plastered (I was tempted myself!)  and resprayed, then we could finally go home.

Our neighbours had very kindly taken Faye in for a sleepover so we could just get back and crash, but no, our brave little boy was still chatting away ten to the dozen and wanted Paw Patrol on!  We let him seeing as he'd been so good and,  after another dose of Calpol he snuggled up and was fast asleep in about 5 mins!

When he started to wake up this morning ,  he was wriggling about and muttered 'mum let go,  get off me!'  I laughed and waved my hands at him 🤗 He looked really confused and looked down at his arm,  which he'd obviously forgotten had a cast on it!

He said his arm hurt a bit and was heavy when he first got up, but once he had his sling on he was off as normal!  Faye eventually decided to come back home and they played with the neighbours' girls for a while until we got a phone call asking us to take Billy back to fracture clinic for a new cast and xray.  I tried to convince Faye to stay with her dad but she was having none of it!  Far too nosey!  So another 3 hours were spent between fracture clinic and xray!  Happily though,  the bone has realigned really well and you can't even see where the fracture is 😀

I feel so bad I'm not going to be around this week for mummy cuddles but will give him plenty tomorrow and Friday when I'm back 😢

For now though it's bedtime and I think we're all going to sleep well tonight!!

Night night...... 😴😴😴😴😴😴

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Santa's on his way!!! 🎅

To be precise, according to Santa Tracker, he's currently in Venice and will be here in about 3 hours!!  Woohoo!!!

For the first time I can remember,  everything is done!  Baking was done last night,  we iced and decorated the Christmas cake today and I'm now watching TV and painting my nails waiting for the kids to be fast off before Santa can make his delivery 😁

To make it even more exciting,  Faye's expecting a double visit tonight,  Santa and the tooth fairy!! Faye's worried the tooth fairy might crash worth Santa,  I'm more concerned she'll forget in the excitement of Christmas!! 😕

All that's left to do is to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🎅🎄🎁🎅and very best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!🍾🎉🍾🎉

Friday, 16 December 2016

It's Christmas!! 🎅🎄🎅🎄

That's it,  my brain has officially declared Christmas! 😀

I am more organised this year than I have ever remember being before, although no doubt I will still be rushing round doing last minute things on Christmas Eve that I've forgotten about!

It's our work Christmas do tonight,  which I think we all need this year,  it's definitely time we had a party!! So I've had the day off relaxing at the hairdressers thus morning and now sat in the church waiting for the school end of term service -  I've even managed to get here early instead of trying to sneak in through the big,  heavy,  clunky,  noisy door......  What is going on??!

We had the elf party at my sister and brother-in-law's last week which was fab,  as always, with lots of elfing going on!  Santa 🎅 is doing well with getting all the presents wrapped and ready for the Big Night,  only a few more to go then it'll just be the baking left to do!  Get me!

I will apologise to work now,  as I can already tell I'm going to be next to useless next week,  but full of festive spirit!! (not the alcoholic kind,  well not at work at least!)

Who knows,  I might even find time to blog again before Santa arrives!

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Ending the week with a BANG!

 And when I say Bang,  I mean more of a mini explosion!!!

But before that.........

Work wasn't too bad, Wasp lady was slightly annoying but nothing too bad.  Work had taken £456 off me for my car parking space instead of £38, which they did reassure me they would 'try' to get authorised to pay...... how nice of them..... (they didn't!)

Friday night we went out for Amy's birthday which was really good 😀  We went to Kayal to eat, a South Indian restaurant but none of the usual curries here!  In all honesty we had no idea what any of the food was or what we were ordering but it was lovely!  My 'paper dosa' was HUGE, so big in fact it barely fit on the table!  I would highly recommend it http://www.kayalrestaurant.com/

After we couldn't eat anymore, we went to the Slug and Lettuce for "a few" cocktails, shots and bombs (nope, this isn't the exploding bit!).  We also met someone in there we knew who, it was fair to say, was more that slightly disturbed by the fact we were they and they had had a few drinks!  We quickly put them at their ease, hopefully, and all had a good laugh!  We then moved on to Fat Cats which started off ok, until I twigged that the 1 (not even that nice) bloke was 'selling' the 7 or 8 women of different nationalities that he was 'with'.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so!  Unfortunately it was time to leave before I had chance to test out any of the novel new uses I'd just thought of for my stilettos!  Oh the fun I could have had! 👿

Saturday was spent recovering and doing the usual weekend chores before going over to Mum and Dad's for tea on Sunday for Dad's birthday.  Big Sis had made a fab cake, a campervan (only slightly jealous!) and a lovely time was had by all!  On the way home, however, I had the misfortune to meet a boy/girl racer who took a sharp bend wide with their lights on full beam, causing me to try and avoid them, which thankfully I did.  Unfortunately the back wheel caught the gravel/soft verge and I lost it, the back end went and hit a post on the side of the verge!  There was a horrible scraping sound as I slowly drove off and Billy (who was now surprisingly awake!) asked what the noise was.  Not wanting them to be worried or scared I cheerfully replied "Oh, it's just a bit of the car dragging on the floor, nothing to worry about!!".  As soon as it was safe to stop I pulled over to check there wasn't any serious damage and, thankfully, it did appear to be just the sill scraping on the floor.  So it was driveable, we got home ok, and the main thing was that no-one got hurt.  It still didn't make me feel any better when Billy innocently asked "Is it going to be a bumpy ride again today Mummy?" when we got in the car the next morning!  Bless! 😕

After that the week was fairly uneventful.  I went to lunch with a friend and we were joined by someone who I thought was using Bluetooth, then realised they weren't.........Hmmmmm........ my friends seem to have knack for attracting odd people..........

So it all comes down to The Bang!

Well, Friday started off quite normally.  Getting ready for work, getting the kids ready for school etc. etc. and it had all gone relatively smoothly.  So there I was, sitting at my desk typing away, when I started to feel a bit peckish and though about having something to eat.  That's when it suddenly hit me.  The thought that sent panic running through my veins. EGGS!!!!   I'd left my eggs boiling on the hob.  Two hours ago!!!  How much damage can over-boiled eggs really do? Burn the pan? Burn the kitchen?  Would we even have a house left?! 😱  Luckily Dad was due to drop something in to the house for me so I made a quick call to ask, if the house was still there, would he mind going in and turning the hob off for me!

It was an anxious wait.

But then the call came and.......good news!  I hadn't destroyed the house! Or even the kitchen!  Even the pan was in one piece!

Unfortunately, the eggs hadn't been so lucky.  My poor eggs had exploded and were now decorating the hob.  Well the bits that weren't black and welded to the bottom of the pan were anyway!!!  Time to get the scourer out!

On a positive - I now have a new saucepan!!

So all's well that ends well and the week did go out with a BANG!!!

Thursday, 17 November 2016

I'm back!!!

Seeeeeeee I told you I'd be back! That didn't take long did it!  I must have tempted fate..... Great!

What a day!  After the headache of work and wasp lady (long story) and a real headache, I was glad to leave the office!  I fetched Faye, made dinner, and took Faye to gym......

....and then it all went downhill!

I decided to work in the car whilst Faye was in gym so I got all set up, then realised I'd left the car wifi at home.. grrrrrr......so off I tootle back home again to get the wifi.  Which is where I should have stayed and just worked from home but no, I decide to go back so I'm already there and can work until Faye finished.

Good plan.

But as the saying goes, the best laid plans etc. etc. etc.

I started work and was happily getting on with stuff when there's a tap at my window.  Bearing in mind the car park is pitch black it was slightly startling!

Anyway, there was a lady who's car wouldn't start and asked if I would help jump start her car - of course I would, who wouldn't!  All's fine as I drive over, get the leads attached and start the engine running.  The lady immediately starts trying to turn her car over, surprisingly without much luck!  I get out and suggest she leaves it for a bit to give it a chance to get some juice in it and before she floods her engine.... about 2 minutes later she tried it again 😕.  Out I get again and patiently suggest she leaves it a bit longer.  That worked for about 3 minutes.  I gave up.  Next thing her car does turn over but doesn't start.  However, when it does turn over all the lights came on, external and internal so out I get again and suggest she turns all her lights off so they don't drain the battery and try again.  No luck so I turn off as it's time to get Faye and said I'd try again when I came back.  Took the leads off, realised I'd left the window open so put the keys back in to close the window and lock the car.




Not even a flicker of life!


Broken-down-car-lady agreed to keep an eye on my car whilst I went to get Faye (afterall it wasn't as if she was going anywhere either!) and I silently screamed!  Jay was in a meeting and uncontactable until he finished, when we were supposed to be picking him up.  Hmmmmm.  I didn't have any breakdown details on me as they were in my bag. At home.  I resorted to asking a couple of parents I vaguely know if they could help but on going back out we realised we couldn't get their cars close enough to attach the leads because of the way our cars were parked. However, whilst we were working this out, broken-down-car-lady has spotted a man with a big van (careful!).  Yaaaaay!!!  Not only does he have a big van, he also has a set of long jump leads!!  Then the fun really starts!
Broken-down-car-lady's husband arrives and an argument starts, at which point I suggest the nice van man tries to get her car going first but, as he's sorting out his leads, hubby gets in the car and starts it up!  Change of plan, get MY car going first!!  So we get all wired up. Still zilch. Nada. Silence.  The other car has now been moved but still not going and the son has arrived too now.  Van man was very lovely and offered to wait with us until we could get help but I did manage to convince him we would be fine so off he went.

Faye's now crying because it's dark and she doesn't like it.  I'm quietly panicking but laughing and telling her not to worry, we'll be home soon (well sometime within the next 24 hours at least!). I send a text to Jay and about 10 minutes later he emails to say he's finished.  Quick telephone call to get the breakdown details and he's going to finish up then get a cab over to us. Faye cheers up a bit.  Whilst I'm on the phone the son comes over to see if we're getting sorted etc. and apologising for us ending up in this mess.  Then as an after thought goes back to his car to get the superduper automatic car charger they used on his mum's car on the off chance it will start mine (oh, I wonder!).  The leads are attached, I get back in and turn the key and VROOM!!!!  We're back in business!  I was so relieved it started I didn't immediately feel cheesed off that they'd been there for half an hour before even offering to try it!!!

Anyway, all's well that ends well! BUT I am NEVER, EVER, EVER, going to help anyone EVER, EVER again!!! (well, until the next time someone needs help obviously..........!)

Now we just have to hope it starts again in the morning..............
Image result for cartoon broken down car

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

My Non-Blog

It has been mentioned several times, by different people, over the last couple of weeks that there has been a distinct lack of blogging on my part.

Partly, this is due to being back at work full-time and being too tired / having no time or energy to blog!

It's also partly due to having a complete lack of inspiration - I still don't have any (refer to point above)!

End of blog!

(but I will return soon...........)

Monday, 19 September 2016


After much cleaning, tidying, patio making, it was finally all worth it to have everywhere looking nice for Billy's Christening!  The sun came out and it was a nice day so people could go outside and sit on our new patio area - to be honest, even if it had been chucking it down, I would have been pushing people outside just to make sure it got used!!  There was a gazebo so, hey, they wouldn't have gotten too wet!!
Billy looked gorgeous in his little Christening suit and Faye looked very pretty too.  We were very proud of them both!
Billy was so good through the service, he smiled at everyone and let Father Clive pick him up and tip water on his head without complaining once!  After all my fears, there were no tears or anything!  He was, however, clinging on to Father Clive's robe for dear life as he was tipped over the font - although Father Clive also had a good grip on the back of his waistcoat to make sure he didn't slip! The service was really lovely and Father Clive was great and humorous.

The after party went well (I think!).  It was lovely to catch up with friends and family and everyone seemed to have a good time.

All in all it was a very special day for a very special son and I feel very blessed and lucky!

Monday, 12 September 2016

All Wrapped Up!!

Well hello! It's been a while!

After a lovely holiday in beautiful Devon, life is beginning to return to normal! The kids are back at school and I have started a phased return at work. I'm only working mornings but by the time I've picked the kids up from school and got home to sort dinner I'm cream crackered!!  I am, however, enjoying bring back as I missed the people and the banter!

The only downer was getting a letter on Friday telling me I have got to have an angiogram - boooooo!   Stupidly I Googled it, why, I don't know. I always advise against Googling anything medical/health related but there I was, tapping away, to find out the horror awaiting me!! After scaring myself silly I had a very reassuring chat with a neighbour and felt much better!!

After a weekend of trying to tidy the house (although the kids were making more mess quicker than I sad tidying anything! 😡 bless them. .......) and gardening, I decided to try out my clay detox body wrap. For those who don't know, thus entails applying clay to the body, wrapping a bandage over the clay and/or wrapping clingfilm over that! Hmmmmm. ........ what could go wrong???

With a bit of help I got clayed, bandaged and clingfilmed. I looked like something out of a weird alien or horror movie! All I can say is thank god the kids didn't wake up,  they'd have been traumatised for life!!! I could barely move and decided the hour I had to be mummified for would be a good time to iron,  preferably without melting myself!! After the ironing I decided to go upstairs. Easier said than done. The stairs were a challenge and I rustled every time I moved. I thought I could watch a bit of tv until it was time to 'unwrap'. I couldn't get on the bed either! I just had to back up to the bed and fall backwards! Finally it was unwrap and shower time! Ordeal over with no harm done......or so I thought!  Unfortunately, on getting out of the shower, I slipped, falling backwards and smacking my elbow and side of the ribs on the windowsill on my way down and also sending most of the contents on the windowsill clattering into the bath. 'That must have startled everyone out of their sleep!' I hear you say, but no. Nothing. Zilch. No one heard a thing (or so they say!).  Needless to say, I may be detoxed, but I've just replaced any toxins with nice purple bruises!!!

What shall I try next. ...............?? 😂😂😂

Saturday, 13 August 2016


And it's finally complete!  Our 'new' trailer is finally finished!

There have been a few late nights, or rather early mornings, with a cold, numb bum from sitting on the car port floor, dropped paint pots, tripping over stuff and drills getting caught where they really shouldn't (not me obviously!!).  I now ache all over from trying to paint in awkward positions but at last it's all over!

Just hope the thing doesn't collapse under the weight of all our camping gear when we finally get it all loaded up!

Sunday, 7 August 2016

.....and the painting had started!!

Take a look at @teresa_hincks's Tweet: https://twitter.com/teresa_hincks/status/762322925852778501?s=09

Trailer making has begun!!

Take a look at @teresa_hincks's Tweet: https://twitter.com/teresa_hincks/status/762321714357407744?s=09

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Three days in a row (but I won't get smug as I already know I won't be going tomorrow!)

Yep, three days in a row I have been at the swimming pool by 6.50 am waiting for the doors to open - keen or what?!  I only managed 32 lengths today but did them in 40 minutes so not bad, but did do my 40 lengths in 50 minutes the first two days  (possibly because I don't spend so much time chatting as I did on the lunchtime swim!!).  The morning swimmers are very nice too but not the stop-for-a-rest-and-chat type.  There's the bubble whooper, who makes a weird, almost musical noise. It is the strangest noise I've ever heard, although it is probably amplified by the usually relatively quiet environment.  At first I thought someone's earphones had come out and it was their music burbling away under water but no, it was a swimmer.  Bubbling as he exhaled on his way down under the water and whooping as he inhaled on surfacing again.  Then there's the shark-granny who must be in her 80's and zips up and down the middle overtaking us all.  My consolation is that I've decided in her younger days she must have been a professional swimmer... to at least Olympic standards!

I've also stuck to my low carb diet for almost 5 days now (yes, that is a long time for me!), although only 3 days properly, and it seems to be working so I'll just have to stick to it for a while longer (quite a while longer......).  I can't say I'm ever really hungry but I do miss my juice and cheese on toast!

I took the kids to the cinema this morning with a couple of their friends and mum.  We were going to see Jungle Book until we'd heard it was a bit scary, especially for the younger two, so we ended up watching Finding Dory instead, which was good although one certain bit was a tad too emotional for us mums!  It was Billy's first trip to the cinema and although he was really good and watched the film, he kept changing his mind as to whether he liked it or not and kept asking to go home, the first time he asked was just as the film started!

The girls we went to the cinema with are having a sleepover here tonight so they're all very excited! The house is a complete mess but they seem happy and are having fun!  I did think about tidying up instead of doing this but then decided that would be pointless as it will only all come out again!  Might as well wait until they're tucked up in bed having their midnight feast which, of course, I know absolutely nothing about.......!

I did do some tidying and found an old high school shirt which had been signed when I left.  Lots of comments about a Stephen Ingle - it appeared significant as though I should really remember who he was, but I haven't got a clue!!

I might have to ask around as I'm curious now.........

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Kids away so a nice long lie-in? No chance

Nope! No lie-in, instead we were up at 5.30 am and off to a car boot sale with the car full, the roof box full, and the trailer well and truly (over)loaded!

My first promise was that everything we have cleared out will go,  one way or another 😕

It was supposed to be nice and sunny so I dressed accordingly, including flip flops, which I realised was a big mistake as I stepped out of the car onto the heavily dewed grass!! Naturally I was cold within minutes! I even looked at the baby socks I was selling and considered wearing them, one on each toe like little foot gloves!  Then someone bought them, so that was the end of that idea!

When I went to 'look' around myself a couple of hours later, I saw a very tempting pair of fluffy boot slippers, if only they were in my size! 

My second promise was that I wouldn't buy more stuff than we sold.

Well it should have been obvious that such a promise was completely unrealistic! By the end of the second row I had to sneak back to the car to unload my purchases before going off again to continue from where I left off.  Another 2 rows later I had to go back to the car again and felt it would be safer if I just didn't look anymore so I stayed put. Nearly. The lady next to us had some great fancy dress outfits for Billy to grow into........

By the end, the trailer was definitely a lot lighter and we dropped some "leftovers" off at a charity shop on the way to pick Billy up.  So at least my first promise is looking more likely to be kept.

Tired now but, on a positive note, after the 5.30am start this morning, 6.30am tomorrow morning to get my swimming back on schedule WILL seem like a lie-in!!😂😂😂 

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Slipping schedule

Well I think I said my swimming schedule was likely to slip after a few days.....

In reality I've only managed it once so far! There are legitimate reasons,  obviously! With the exception of this morning, when I had every intention of going, but when the alarm went off at 6.30 I snoozed it, or at least I thought I had. I had actually turned it off so when I next looked at the clock it was nearly 7am, definitely too late to go! With a secret smile I cuddled back down into the duvet and went back to sleep 😴

There's always tomorrow.... 😉

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A bit of retail therapy

Now, most of you might see a trip to B & Q as more of a chore than an exciting trip, but then again I'm not exactly normal!!!

With the help of my dad, his roof bars and ladders, we went on a spree to B & Q to get all (or at least most) of the necessary stuff needed for us to build our trailer.  I was, possibly, overexcited about all my little pots of paint, and particularly my nice 'rounded' paint brushes!

After much browsing of the paints for the two main colours I needed  (making us late back for lunch) we left without my getting either of those!  Never mind, that just means more fun shopping to come!

I was very enthusiastic to show my poor partner all our goodies when he got home from work, he seemed more pensive by the amount of work involved than all my products though!  I have also been warned (several times - slightly unneccesary!)  that there's a lot of prepping and stuff to do, blah blah blah, before I can get any of my paint pots open though.

Maybe if I 'help' with the all prepping etc. it will speed things up to the painting bit......!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Early to bed and early to rise makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy and wise.....

Or maybe it could change to late to bed and early to rise just isn't a good idea.....

Hmmm..... well i wasn't exactly early to bed but I was early to rise (for me at least!) but I don't feel healthier, wealthier or wiser!!  In fact most of the first hour I was out of bed was spent talking to myself, I must be mad....I should still be in bed......what am I doing?

I was actually up late because I was googling trailer lid locks - exciting stuff huh?! (although I did find just the thing we want so that was nice!)

I got up at 6.30 am because of my new swimming plan.  Although in reality I was half out of bed anyway due to Billy coming in at 4.00 am and practically kicking me out!  Now the kids are on holiday I've decided to get to swimming for 7.00, swim 1/2 km, then get back home for 8.30 in time for the other half to go to work.  I did my 40 lengths in about 50 minutes and it was actually very successful - for me anyway!  Apparently Billy wasn't so pleased to wake up and find me missing!  Bless him, I'm sure he'll get used to it!  How long this early morning swimming regime will last for though is anyone's guess.  Yes I'm feeling all smug and pleased with myself now but, in a couple of weeks time (who am I kidding?!  more like a couple of days time!!), I will probably have had enough of it and will be looking for night-time swimming sessions instead!

I never was a morning person!

Image result for swimming gif

Monday, 25 July 2016

Project Camping Trailer is a Go Go Go!!!

After our long weekend camping, it became painfully obvious that there was no way we had room for everything we need to take for a two week camping trip - hence the birth of Project Camping Trailer!

We have a trailer chassis which we can use to build a new trailer so we started today by piling all of our camping gear in the lounge to work out how big we need to build it (judging by the amount of stuff we have, the next thing we'll need is a bigger car, or preferably a large van, to pull the damn thing!!)

My personal opinion is the bigger the better but apparently there are some limits to size and weight......... (must have been made up by a man!)

However, after a lot of measuring, planning, changing our minds, re-measuring, re-planning, changing our minds back - you get the picture - we finally have a plan!

Tonight I've had lots of fun being creative, designing a lovely paint job for our new trailer, which I'm very excited about - if I can actually do it!  Art isn't my strong point!  If it all goes to plan you will see photos - if it doesn't then obviously you won't!!!

Friday, 22 July 2016

It's Summer!!! Time for camping and playing and enjoying the sunshine - whilst it lasts!!!

Yaaaaayyyy!!! The kids have broken up from school so it's 6 1/2 weeks of sun, fun and playing - or arguing, fighting, shouting and crying...........

We started well with a camping trip to Scratby Hall (www.scratbyhall.co.uk) near Great Yarmouth for the first weekend of the hols and we picked a great weekend! The weather was great, lovely and sunny and hot.  Our schools generally break up about a week before the rest of the country so everywhere was reasonably quiet, which was great.  We had our new tent to try out so we were grateful for the weather in order for us to work out how to put it up. There is a lovely play are which kept the kids amused whilst we were sorting out and, although it's our 4th visit to this campsite, for the first time we found out there is a swimming pool too (although unfortunately this wasn't open when we were there - a drawback for finishing a week earlier than everyone else!. Typically, after much deliberation and changing of our minds (although surprisingly no arguments!!) we finally got the thing up and, on moving something else at the bottom of the bag, found the instructions! The porch took us a little longer to work out, even with the instructions, but we were finally set up and ready to go!  And the tent is HUGE!!!  The gazebo was put up and became our kitchen diner for the weekend and we had loads of space around us for the kids to play.  

Twiggle Village
Boggle Village
On Saturday we went to Bewilderwood (www.bewilderwood.co.uk).  Faye had picked a leaflet up from the Cambridge Services when we went to collect the tent and has been going on about how great it looked ever since - the main reason we ended up going to Yarmouth and not somewhere nice and local like Derby to test the tent out!  In fact, the place was great!  We spent the day looking for Twiggles (live in the trees) and Boggles (live in the swamps) and got a surprise from Mildred, the Crocklebog who lives in the Scaaaaaaaaary Lake!  There were tree houses, sky walks, zip wires, and slides.  It was great fun and, again, thankfully not too busy.  Each area had something for all ages so the kids both loved it and could play on the same things - full size for older kids and adults and a smaller version for toddlers, although to be fair Billy was on the normal stuff with Faye most of the time, with the exception of the zip wire - but he loved the toddler version!  There was even a play area for children with special needs.  I would highly recommend it to anyone in that area, it wasn't cheap but wasn't too bad and you get discount vouchers in the Great Yarmouth 'what's on' leaflets (helpfully Faye had collected these too!)
Errrr........ Twiggly Boggly Village??? 
A pair of little Crocklebogs!

Mildred the Crocklebog
Sky Walk

Back on the campsite we watched the black clouds rolling in and had a couple of light showers.  It was still warm so the kids kicked their shoes off and ran around on the wet grass with bare feet and loved it!  It was actually quite cooling and refreshing!  We had a barbecue and, just as we'd finished cooking (yes, that is the royal 'we', I didn't cook a thing!), the heavens opened and the rain came pouring down.  We watched it from the gazebo whilst we ate and waited for it to slow down a bit before making a run for it into the tent!

Sunday was seaside day!  We went to the beach by the Britannia Pier in Yarmouth, paddled in the sea, the kids went on donkey rides and we played on the amusements.

Monday was so lovely again we were tempted to stay for another night but resisted and packed everything back up.  Went into Yarmouth again in the afternoon, looked around some shops, got a bite to eat and played on the crazy golf (www.pirates-cove.co.uk), which was really good, although Billy looked like he was playing hockey rather than golf!  Then it was ice creams and back in the car to come home.

Tuesday was spent moving a greenhouse over from our late next door neighbour's garden to our garden (his family had very kindly said we could have it, we didn't just nip over and pinch it!) and the kids barely moved off the sofa or away from the telly
all day!

Wednesday was shopping and separating the kids, who by then had started arguing and falling out.

Yesterday we had friends come round for the kids to play and we all went to the park in the afternoon, it was slightly cooler and more bearable so was really lovely to be out in.

Today the kids are fed up because we're sorting out wardrobes and clothes etc.  I know, I know, not the most exciting thing for them to do but, as I told them, if we get all the boring stuff out of the way now we can have the rest of the holidays for fun things!  They weren't convinced either but one down and one to go!!!

Sorting clothes is sooooo tiring!!
In fact it is that boring that I've taken pity on them and let them loose in the garden whilst I write this and book our next camping holiday for the end of the hols!

Everything seems better already!!!

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