Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Last training swim.....Yikes!!!

I am sooooo not ready!!!

I had ambitions of improving by 8 lengths to 56 this week, leaving me another 8 to increase by to 64 next week for my first proper challenge swim.

That was the plan.

As you've probably gathered by now, things did not go to plan!

I am going to make my excuses now! The pool was busy. Really busy. Lots of people there really need to look up the definition of swim.......yes I know I sound grumpy and no, the other people there don't know I'm training for something. Even so 'general swim should still mean mainly swimming right?? I don't mind the Ladies that Lunch because they do chat and swim at the same time. Even Butterfly Man and The Shark were struggling tonight! The Bus Family just parked themselves across the middle of the pool as usual, chatting and messing about, which again I don't mind as such but do you REALLY  have to take up half of the pool? Afterall there are 'fun swim' sessions too......

OK so you're maybe thinking, shut up moaning and go to the lane swim sessions if you're that bothered. Well, I would, but they are all late and I can't leave the kids at that time so, in my defence, this is the only hour a week I can do whilst the kids are at Cubs.  It's just frustrating....

Anyway, that's my excuses out of the way!  I did in fact still improve on last week by 4 lengths, going up from 1200m/48 lengths to 1300/52 lengths.  Short on what I was hoping for but still an improvement nevertheless!

Which means next week I need to up it again by 300m/12 lengths...hmmmmm 😳

I was so tired when I got out of the pool I took my watch off to open the locker 🤦🏼‍♀️  Luckily I realised before actually trying to put it in the lock!  There were so no cubicles free and I didn't have time to wait so went into the communal room.

This is when the best thing ever happened.

Now, for anyone who remembers Katherine Tate's 'Nan', she walked into the changing room! I kid you not! In the words of my teenage daughter...I actually like literally did a double take! In she came in her pj's (yes pj's!) and she was the spitting image of Nan, even her mannerisms. I thought it couldn't get any better. But then she spoke! 
She even talked like her, the only thing missing was the laugh! She was talking to her friend about her doctor and her bloody foot. It was killing me to not laugh out loud! It just made my evening and the pain of the swimming session was forgotten!! 

So that's it until next week - Week 1 of the challenge! 

Please follow the link to sponsor me for this great cause if you are able. Either way I hope you are enjoying following my journey!

Take care all!


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