Tuesday, 22 March 2022

1st day of the challenge and gutted!

I had great expectations for Day 1 of the challenge.  I should have realised early in the day fate had other ideas!.

After feeling rough and being awake half the night I got up feeling less than enthusiastic about swimming!

Still I decided once I was there I would be fine and would aim to get as near to 64 lengths as I could. But going downstairs after work I managed to pull/trap/do something to me sciatic nerve. In the words of Victor Meldrew, unbelievable!!

Typically the kids had to be dropped off in Wigston for cubs tonight, which still left me just enough time to get back for the 7pm swimming session. I hadn't banked on all the roadworks though....After queueing through numerous sets of temporary lights I finally made it to the pool and hobbled my way in, looking the picture of health and really up for a mile swim! Hopefully the swimming would sort out the trapped nerve!

My expectations by the time I'd got in the pool and dropped drastically! I just about managed a few lengths when the lifeguard stopped me to ask what locker number I had. It turns out there was a problem with the locker above mine so I had to get out to go and help.....I was very tempted to just give up then!

But I didn't......

Back in I got and tried to carry on but the pool was really busy. Bus family were there again, a group of teenage lads being annoying teenage lads and kids with noodles who walked into me and hit me with their noodles so many times they lucky to make it out of the pool in one piece!  I have discovered you can easily get pool rage like you do road rage.......

Disappointingly I only managed 31 lengths (thought I'd done 32!) so way off my target but, given the way the day had gone, I was pleased I had at stuck with it for as long as I could manage and it is at least the forst almost 1/2 mile done!

I wish everyone taking part the best of luck for the next 12 weeks and a huge well done to everyone who has logged their first swim of the challenge today!


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