Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Iiiiiiiiiiit's RANT TIME!!!!!

OK, so maybe I'm just not in the best of moods today. Or maybe, just maybe, it's been a day full of idiots conspiring to annoy me............ On the bright side, they only partially succeeded 
It started with a kamikaze cyclist  on the school run. Now I know cyclists have just as much right to be on the road as cars, and I am generally very considerate of them,  but surely they should comply with the rules of the road too?? So if their traffic lights are on red, STOP! Don't just carry on and cycle straight across in front of me, when my lights are on green, and just expect me to stop! I did, but one day you might not be so lucky......
I then had a stereotypical white van man cut me up, twice, coz he was in so much of a hurry as he obviously felt he was much more important than everyone else trying to get to work. Still it worked out well for him, he managed to get 1 vehicle ahead of where he started (behind me) all the way in to town, shaving milliseconds off his time,  so Woohoo!! Well done Mr Van driver! You must be sooooo proud of your achievement!! 
So that was all before I actually got in to work.......
As far as work goes, there are a few things I consider important...
1. Work hard and you will be rewarded (OK maybe that one is a bit out of date and optimistic.....)
2. Be humble and don't run ramshod over other people to get where you want /get the recognition you want, whether you deserve it or not.
3. Don't ask anyone to do anything you aren't prepared to do yourself
4. If something needs doing and there's no one else available, do it yourself!
..... But maybe I'm just old skool
Why people can't do something that, OK, might not be their job, but would only take them approximately 1 minute at the most to do is beyond me. Especially when not doing it can causes delays of a day or so. I guess some people must think certain tasks are beneath them......
Still, however irritating, it's not such a biggy I guess and I can at least be glad that I'm not like that.
I had half a day's annual leave to take Billy for another visit to big school, this time we left them and they went on their own. He was full of it when he came back and loved it! I was so pleased and feel happier that he isn't going to be really clingy when he starts  We got Faye and came home to get changed and go straight into the paddling pool. It was soooo nice! We had a pack of water balloons and had an hour or so messing about in the pool and staying cool! . We had a great time and all was well with the world again!
For a bit ....
Tonight I dropped Faye off at guides and went swimming.  It was a busy but lovely and cool. There were a few lads being lads but there were also the annoying chatters. I know people go with their friends and have a bit of a natter, I know I used to. But we swim in lanes and I still have to stop every two lengths to, well, breathe! It's therefore pretty annoying to not be able to stop at the end coz of people chatting. I don't mean a few minutes chit chat while they have a breather, I'm talking 10/15 minutes of not moving! In the 10 lengths or so I managed whilst they were chatting, I learnt more about their dog's habits, behaviour in the park, what they had for dinner blah blah blah than I really needed, or wanted, to know! Then one of them complained about how busy it was and that they hadn't even got out of breath yet! I was so close to pointing out that that wasn't exactly surprising seeing as they hadn't moved for ages, although the amount of yapping she was doing should have rendered her breathless!  Unfortunately this didn't happen and I had to suffer overhearing their inane conversations......
Hopefully, seeing as it was far too busy for them, they won't be there when I go again. It would be much safer for them, probably more than they could ever imagine.....!!


  1. Replies
    1. Lol. I haven't been keeping up with your blogs (or much else lately) but I'm thinking you should write one of those newspaper columns. You have a knack of ranting without actually being nasty or vitriolic. Although maybe that's what people do want, sadly. I thought of your blog as I went around Asda today, not in the best of moods, I have to admit, and certainly not helped by people thoughtlessly letting their trolleys and kids roam all over the place. Oh, for the tranquility of the canal when I got back. Every time I pop my head up and go into the concrete jungle I count my blessings. Btw I have absolutely NO idea why I was able to put a comment IN your blog as opposed to outside of it. Another of life's mysteries! Keep writing 😉 x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well it's good to know I am still talking, in a sense, even if it is only in your head, when I'm not even there!! 😂. Don't even get me started on Asda! Lol that would be an entirely new rant on its own!! I can definitely see the advantages of living on a boat! Except I would need a 5 storey one for all my clobber! 😂

  3. THAT is my major problem! I still need to de-clutter 😟
