Thursday, 22 June 2017

Flashing knickers!! 😖

So I probably experienced one of the most embarrassing, mortifying and traumatic moments of my life yesterday. I still shudder just thinking about it!!

I finished work and collected Faye, had tea, did some work whilst Faye got ready for gym. All fine. Took her to gym and sorted out Billy going for a trial next week (bless him!). Decided not to bother going home so just say in the car, rang mum and dad and spoke to Billy. Still all good so far.  Got out of the car to go a different fetch Faye, and my nightmare began.

It was still warm and I was happily walking past the cars to the gym when I lady following me down the hill called 'excuse me'. I turned and realised she was calling to me so stopped. Her next words sent a chill right through me.

'Sorry, but I thought I should tell you your dress is split all down the back.'

'Is it bad?`

`Well it's all the way down you the hem. You can see your pants and everything. I thought it was shorts to start with but then realised. I'm really sorry but if it says me I'd want someone to tell me...'

I was mortified!!!  I had no coat. Nothing. And I just stood there like an idiot with no idea what to do!! Then there was the horror of wondering how long it had been split without me noticing? Surely someone at work would have said. Wouldn't they?? Or at school when I picked Faye up? And what about when I dropped Faye off at gym and spent a while at reception with kids and parents everywhere?? Had I been flashing my knickers to all and sundry?! They weren't even a decent pair!! The thought was paralysing!!

I held the back of my dress together the best I could, probably looking like I'd had an accident as I scuttled into the waiting room clutching my bum and clamped myself to the nearest wall! Faye was first out which, to start with I thought was good, as that meant I could get away quick. In reality I soon realised that just meant that everyone else was behind me......

'Faye walk behind me!'


'just do it?!'


I told her about my predicament and she promptly went into hysterics! Not that I could blame her, no doubt I'd have done the same. She did walk behind me though. Encouraging me as we went. Not.

'Mum you look weird, just let go of it'

'I can't. You can see my knickers'

'it'll be better than you look now'

'Thanks. But it really wouldn't. And stop laughing!'

'I can't, it's funny'

At this point I noticed a car with one of the dad's I know say in it. We always say hello, but on this occasion I thought it would be better to focus ahead and pretend I hadn't noticed him.

'It is NOT funny. At all'

I'm sure there was an amused look on 'dad's' face as I passed the car.....

'let go'


'well you're going to have to let go of it in a minute to get in the car!'

'yes. Thank you. I'm well aware of that!'

Thankfully the car next to me dad empty so I was able to take refund between the two cars.

'let's have a look then'

I let go.

'[gasp] oh m that is really bad! I mean REALLY bad!!`

I have never been so pleased and relieved to get in my car!!

And I've never known 10 minutes to be do traumatic it felt like 10 hours!!!

At least Faye reassured me that my dress was fine when I dropped her off so that was at least some relief!

All I need to do now is find the receipt...... and a disguise to wear to all future trips to gym........... 😐

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Iiiiiiiiiiit's RANT TIME!!!!!

OK, so maybe I'm just not in the best of moods today. Or maybe, just maybe, it's been a day full of idiots conspiring to annoy me............ On the bright side, they only partially succeeded 
It started with a kamikaze cyclist  on the school run. Now I know cyclists have just as much right to be on the road as cars, and I am generally very considerate of them,  but surely they should comply with the rules of the road too?? So if their traffic lights are on red, STOP! Don't just carry on and cycle straight across in front of me, when my lights are on green, and just expect me to stop! I did, but one day you might not be so lucky......
I then had a stereotypical white van man cut me up, twice, coz he was in so much of a hurry as he obviously felt he was much more important than everyone else trying to get to work. Still it worked out well for him, he managed to get 1 vehicle ahead of where he started (behind me) all the way in to town, shaving milliseconds off his time,  so Woohoo!! Well done Mr Van driver! You must be sooooo proud of your achievement!! 
So that was all before I actually got in to work.......
As far as work goes, there are a few things I consider important...
1. Work hard and you will be rewarded (OK maybe that one is a bit out of date and optimistic.....)
2. Be humble and don't run ramshod over other people to get where you want /get the recognition you want, whether you deserve it or not.
3. Don't ask anyone to do anything you aren't prepared to do yourself
4. If something needs doing and there's no one else available, do it yourself!
..... But maybe I'm just old skool
Why people can't do something that, OK, might not be their job, but would only take them approximately 1 minute at the most to do is beyond me. Especially when not doing it can causes delays of a day or so. I guess some people must think certain tasks are beneath them......
Still, however irritating, it's not such a biggy I guess and I can at least be glad that I'm not like that.
I had half a day's annual leave to take Billy for another visit to big school, this time we left them and they went on their own. He was full of it when he came back and loved it! I was so pleased and feel happier that he isn't going to be really clingy when he starts  We got Faye and came home to get changed and go straight into the paddling pool. It was soooo nice! We had a pack of water balloons and had an hour or so messing about in the pool and staying cool! . We had a great time and all was well with the world again!
For a bit ....
Tonight I dropped Faye off at guides and went swimming.  It was a busy but lovely and cool. There were a few lads being lads but there were also the annoying chatters. I know people go with their friends and have a bit of a natter, I know I used to. But we swim in lanes and I still have to stop every two lengths to, well, breathe! It's therefore pretty annoying to not be able to stop at the end coz of people chatting. I don't mean a few minutes chit chat while they have a breather, I'm talking 10/15 minutes of not moving! In the 10 lengths or so I managed whilst they were chatting, I learnt more about their dog's habits, behaviour in the park, what they had for dinner blah blah blah than I really needed, or wanted, to know! Then one of them complained about how busy it was and that they hadn't even got out of breath yet! I was so close to pointing out that that wasn't exactly surprising seeing as they hadn't moved for ages, although the amount of yapping she was doing should have rendered her breathless!  Unfortunately this didn't happen and I had to suffer overhearing their inane conversations......
Hopefully, seeing as it was far too busy for them, they won't be there when I go again. It would be much safer for them, probably more than they could ever imagine.....!!

Friday, 16 June 2017

Wet chairs and water fights 💦

Well it's been a funny old week! This time last week I was sat at home after a long day at the polling station watching the first of the results come in. It seems much longer than a week ago!

It was lovely to get out in the garden and get some planting done after all the rain last week and I'm happy to say my cucamelon plants are looking good! I can't wait for them to grow and fruit..... They are going to be soooo cute!!

Work has been a bit stressful to the point where I'm not sure if I even speak English or people can't actually hear me.... But then something will happen that makes turning up worthwhile.....

For instance, as I got into work on Tuesday I found boxes of files on my desk that needed to go to the lab. I grabbed a couple of boxes and was on my way when a colleague came out of a nearby office and called me in, saying I needed to look at her chair because she didn't know what to do. She explained someone had been in her office, sitting in her chair, and her chair was now marked.... Sure enough I looked at the chair and there was, what I can only describe as, a wet, oddly shaped streak on the seat. I shared her horror with an exclamation of "what is that?!". She replied that she didn't know, we really didn't want to know, but she didn't know what to do because she couldn't bring herself to sit on it. I didn't blame her but at that point I started laughing uncontrollably until I was crying!  Just thinking about it again now whilst I'm writing this is making me giggle! When I'd calmed down enough to be able to speak, I reasoned that we must have something in the department or lab to clean/disinfect it with, and we had a spare chair in our office she could use.  We did find some Flash (with Febreze I might add!) in the tea room, so I gave it a good scrub and left it to dry....... All's well that ends well 😂

Yesterday was sunny and hot, promoting one of the managers to bring a lead of jubbleys into work. And a number of water pistols. What could go wrong?! Well, maybe giving one to me for a start! It was nice to temporarily revert to being a kid again though!!

Last night Faye was in an interschool athletics competition involving all the local schools, about a dozen altogether. As you can imagine, it was organised chaos but I think the teachers and everyone involved did a really good job sorting so many kids out! I didn't any even one bit! Everyone did well and seemed to enjoy it anyway.

Today the water pistols are forgotten about. For most of the day. Then all hell let loose in the office! In hindsight I should have known better than to shoot one of the Consultants. At the time I didn't know better but son learnt my lesson when he came back at me with a fairly powerful water bottle. I got soaked. As did the carpet, my chair, my desk....... Squirt two had me running out of the office to escape another drenching. And to dry out!

Things calmed down, he left for home and I went to collect my printing. On returning to the office I walked through the door and got soaked again.... and almost had a heart attack as he was hiding behind the wall as I came in! Apparently he'd forgotten his phone and thought it to perfect an opportunity to miss! I can't say I blame him, I would most likely have done the same thing myself. I did get him back with the water bottle on his way out though 😂

Best of all, it's nearly the weekend again!! It's meant to be a lovely one too! I can see paddling pools, hose pipes and water bombs on the horizon........

So a Happy Father's Day to all of you Dad's out there and I hope you all get spoiled!! Xxx

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Schools and pools

Today Billy had his first induction at 'Big School' ready for starting in September. For all my concerns about him being less confident and more clingy than Faye was, after a couple of minutes his coat was off and he was getting stuck in!! A couple of kids he knew from pre-school last year are there too and they came over to him which was sweet of them. We made pictures with shells, played in the kitchen, did a puppet show, and went climbing in planks, crates and tyres outside in the rain! He seemed to really enjoy it and asked when he could go back so it looks promising!

Faye's been to athletics after school fir the last two nights and has really enjoyed it. Her teacher has told us she's very good and the best at throwing! She throws Billy around a lot so I guess she has had a fair amount of practice! 😂

After dropping Faye off at guides I made it back to the swimming pool again. Aren't I a good girl!! It was a lot busier to start with but then emptied a bit and, apart from a couple of lads being a couple of lads, it was fairly peaceful and relaxing. Unfortunately, my muscles must have been tired from the effort last night as I only managed half a mile in 45 minutes. Still, better than nothing I suppose. I'll aim at just making it into the pool tomorrow night!!!

Monday, 5 June 2017

...and I'm done. In. Completely...😩

At least I did it.  After a fairly long break from the pool I was quietly optimistic of managing my 1k/40 length goal.

But, get me, I'd done that in just under 50 minutes so then faced the dilemma of getting out whilst the going was good and I'd done what I wanted to.......or seeing if I could get another 8 lengths in the last 10 minutes to make it 3/4 of a mile in an hour.

I only went and did it!

Admittedly I am now completely cream crackered and ache everywhere!  But I don't care!  Smug me is back! 😏

Now to see if I can keep it up long enough to make it back there again on Wednesday..........

Fitness regime attempt No. 6875423885.........

So here we go again...... another attempt at regular swimming sessions. I have made it as far as the gym..... in the rain no less! To be fair, getting wet to get to the gym isn't really anything to be pleased with myself for when my goal is the pool!
Unbelievably, my swipe card worked to let me in - I was expecting alarms to go off, lights to flash and a booming voice to yell "Who the hell are you?! Don't you come swanning back here after all this time and expect to just be let straight back in!!!"
Thankfully, that was just the paranoia in my head!
So here I am, ready to go for it. Again. I'll be back with an update. Presuming the shock of exercise doesn't kill me...... 